Monday, September 23, 2013

Children's Claritin Back to School Allergy Tips 2013

As a Children's Claritin mom i get lots of helpful advice to pass on to you!

First we will start by using the suggested allergy tips from children's Claritin

1 Be sure to have Children's Claritin, the #1 pediatrician recommended non-drowsy allergy brand on hand! ( this is very important be sure to store some in the car incase!, also leave a spare bottle at grandmas!)

2 Multi-vitamins are building blocks to having a strong immune system. Make taking a multi-vitamin part of your childs daily routine. ( with all the great brands and flavors this should be so easy my daughter loves flintstone vitamins.)

3 Let there be light! Mold does not like sunlight, so try to keep your curtins open during the day.Should be easy during the summer months. (here is Maine this is great advice for the fall/winter too as it helps warm out the house already have seen frost here!)

4 Did you know that most pillows trap allergens, dust mites, and bacteria? Monitor the cleaniness of the pillow your child with allergies sleeps on and replace if necessary. (why not start your childs back to school routine off with new pillows!)

5 Back to school season means lots of laundry for many moms. Besure to remove laundry from the washer promptly. Allowing wet clothes to sitin the washer means mold can quickly grow there. (why not set your kitchen timer for however long your washer runs and see how many games of uno or go fish you can play)

6 Monitor pollen countsand adjust outdoor before and after school activities accrodingly. Dry, Windy days can be particularly high in pollen ( make forts inside )

7 Showering or bathing at the end of the day as opposed to in the morning can be helpful in removing allergens from body surfaces and hair.  ( use lavendar soap its relaxing and helps promote sleep)

8 Stay hydrated! Always send your child to school with a bottle of water. Drinking lots of clear fluids through the day can help get rid of toxins and flush out the body. (use fun water bottles like brita kids sports bottles, they are great for the enviroment)

9 Peak pollen production typically occurs in early morning, so try to plan outside activities at other times of the day. ( i am of no help here all my kids are NOT early birds!)

Wow that was alot of great advice Thanks children's Claritin!!!!!!

also would you like to help with something????  childrens Claritin has teamed up with KaBOOM to pring play spaces to schools/childrens in need! please go vote  between now and 10/31 to cast your vote

As a member of the Children's Claritin mom crew, i recieve product samples and promotional items to share and use as i see fit. No monetary compensation has taken place and any opinions expresses by me ar honest adn reflect my actual experience!

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